Thrift Store Basket Makeover

I am a big believer in details – the decorative details.  They can make or break your best efforts when you are re-decorating all the way down to the color of the little toggle on the light switch.

Decorating details matter. The details are the fine tuning for a room and you should give them the same thought and planning that you give to the major elements in the room.


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I found a brown basket last week at the thrift store that was never used. It was the right size and style to use as the waste basket in the bathroom I was redoing.

I didn’t like the brown color, but it was the right size and price and I knew I could easily change it to suit my style.

I used scissors to cut off the twisted sisal woven to the center of the basket.


I then sprayed Krylon’s Indoor Outdoor Primer on the basket.


When painting wicker – priming is necessary as the wicker has a coating and can be slick.  Once that was dry I painted the basket using Rust-Oleum’s Ultra Cover 2x in Heirloom White.


Helpful Tip:

To make sure you are getting all the nooks and crannies when painting wicker – use spray paint and spray it on when the the piece is – upside down, right side up, and sideways.  This will ensure complete coverage.

Cut-three-strips-from-fabric for decorating

To replace the twisted sisal I removed. I cut three long strips from the leftover fabric I used for the window valance.


To create a finished edge on the fabric strips.  I laid the fabric right side down and folded the edges to the center of the strip and pressed along the entire strip. Repeat the process on the other two strips of fabric.

Create-fabric-strips-to-weave in trash bin

The back side of each strip will end up looking like this.The right side like this-


The right side like this.


I then wove each strip around the basket where the twisted sisal was.  To start and stop the fabric strips I looped the end of each one around one of the vertical reeds. I folded it over to create a finished edge and hot glued it back down on the strip of fabric.

Repeat the process on each strip.

Decorating Idea: Waste-Basket-inside-and-out

Decorating a Trash Bin

The woven fabric looks just as nice when you look down into the basket as it does from the outside.

Decorating in the details: waste basket

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  1. Hi-just saw your fake transom makeover, genius! In the photos I also noticed the corner armoire went from lovely but outdated oak to a refreshed white. Did you stain or paint that piece? I have a 6 piece oak entertainment collection that I would love to update to white but am petrified I’d ruin it. I would love your suggestions!

  2. I love, love, love your blog. I subscribe to several but yours is the bomb. Thank you for so many ideas that I would have never thought of. Super!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks so much Lynda. XO I appreciate you taking the time to tell me that. You made my day.

  3. Magali@LittleWhiteHouse says:

    I love it when even details are lovely… I spend many hours in yard sales, looking for the perfect compost bin for my kitchen… And my grand mother kept saying “why don’t you use a plastic bag like anyone else?”…

  4. Jen @ The Decor Scene says:

    I have a white basket already that could use some re-doing and this is a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

    1. Hi Jen-

      If you have a basket in the color you like you are half way done :)

  5. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Oh Katherine,

    That is so very aggravating and I do not blame you at all for not being happy about it. I try to tell myself to ask how they would want it in their perfect home………… some can sure come up with *rap to say. lol.

  6. Katharine says:

    I agree about the toggles making a difference. We turned our light switch from 2 to 3 in the living room to work with our new ceiling fan. Ok I was real excited about the ceiling fan but when I looked at the light switch, I was say “how come….” He chose to have a new box put in for the ceiling fan instead of replacing the whole thing. It looks tacky!!! I mean it probably is 50 years old and next to the new white one it stands out. I said why didn’t you replace the whole thing? I was really disappointed because I know our Contractor was just doing what he wanted. I don’t know how to fix it and he controls the money so I’m stuck. I think it was another penny wise pound foolish decision because in after 2016 we plan on selling the house. My motto (especially something this small) is get it done right the first time. Ok Thanks for letting me vent. lol

    1. Hi Katherine-

      Please feel free to vent any time :) So many contractors skimp if you are not specific. My cousin had a new home built using the plans from the builder’s model home. When the house was getting finished and they could walk through it – they noticed he put in the cheap Luan wood doors instead of the white paneled ones that are in every new house today. They freaked and made him take them all out on his dime – as they were not the ones in his model. It is a game with them. – gotta be very specific as what seems obvious to you – is not to them.

      If you get some white enamel paint- the little bottles that they sell to paint model airplanes with and a small paint brush you can paint the toggles white successfully.

  7. Cutest waste basket ever! You’re right- those little details make all the difference!

  8. Simple Daisy says:

    Your daughter is so cute!!!! You must be so proud:)
    I love the trash can!!! Simple and cute change:)!!

  9. The enchanted home says: it. A new business is born. Sign me up as a customer….great looking!

  10. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Beautiful daughter, you are not bursting with pride I am sure… grin. You are so very clever and so resourceful.

    Thank you so much for your great and very accurate advice.

    Just Us Critters.

  11. I love the basket redo. Brown would have just be so out of place in your new room. I’m a total stickler for the outlet and switches. Usually what I do (especially for the outlets) is paint right over them. My rooms are usually a bright color of some sort and I don’t want to call attention to the outlets. Great job as usual!!!

  12. Lisa @ says:

    Such great details which really helps tie everything together.

  13. You are so right…it’s all in the details and you have displayed that perfectly with this re-envisioned waste basket. And so fun to see your daughter!

  14. very cute! love the bath it’s so bright and cheerful! susan

  15. You amaze me.
    I have visited you in the past three months since I began my blog and your ideas, tutorials, photos tell it all.
    You are refreshing!
    Your daughter is adorable!

  16. I just love what you’ve done with your bathroom. Your daughter certainly looks happy too. She’s beautiful! You did a great job on that waste can. I would have never thought of that. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  17. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    Nice job, Diane! I learned that tip about painting baskets when I did the four I needed for my dresser redo. I finally left it because it was a weathered look that worked for the dresser. Your daughter looks happy in the new bathroom. I’ll bet you were pleased that she loved it! I agree about the light switch and outlets. An ivory can look horrible when you really need a white.

  18. This is wonderful and your daughter is lovely.
    I love Heirloom White and I have a few projects lined up this week.

    Enjoyed visiting,

    White Spray Paint

  19. The waste can turned out great!
    Love what you did with the fabric woven in.
    So cute!
    Great tutorial.