How to Gift Wrap a Plant or Flowers in a Pot
Poinsettias are a classic part of the Christmas season in decor and for giving. Red, pink, or white. I love them, but not the ugly plastic and foil pot covers that come with them. I learned a trick using fabric to wrap a Christmas plant that makes it easy to cover the pot or any ugly flower pot for that matter.

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It is a fast and easy tweak that you can make to coordinate with your decor. It is also a nice way to gift wrap a Christmas plant if you are taking it to someone as a hostess gift.
How to Cover a Plastic Christmas Poinsettia Pot with Fabric

supplies needed:
- Poinsettia plant in pot
- Scissors
- Rubber band – medium size
- Fabric – 21- inch square for a 1.68 size pot. If your pot is bigger, you will need a slightly larger square.
1. You want to keep the foil since it does serve a purpose to keep water from running out the bottom when the plant is watered.

2. Remove foil cover and cut it down so it is the same height as the pot

3. Place foil back onto pot. Lay fabric face down on work surface and place poinsettia on the center of fabric.

4. Bring up the sides of the fabric and then take a rubber band up and over the bottom of the pot to cinch the fabric around the pot.

5. Using your hands, arrange the folds in fabric around the pot by pulling the fabric up and pushing it evenly around the pot.

6. It should look like this.
7. Use scissors to cut away the excess fabric so it ends up looking like this. You want an even amount of fabric all around. It does not have to be measured or perfect.

8. Starting at one section, pull the rubber band away from the pot with one hand…

… and with your other hand, roll the fabric loosely and then tuck it under the rubber band.
9. Continue doing this all around the pot…. loosely roll the fabric and tuck under the rubber band section by section all around the pot.

When you are done it should look something like this.

No more ugly plastic pot or ugly foil cover. Since the foil cover is still intact, you can water the plant without water getting the bottom fabric wet.

I make these covers for plants and most plastic planter pots when I don’t have a pretty pot to transfer a plant into.
Instead of using fabric and a rubber band, I cut up gift wrap and pages from a book. I used Mod Podge to attach and seal the paper.

Are you ready for more holiday decorating ideas and projects?