Working From Home: Creative File Storage Idea

Work from home idea for creative file storage and desk organization made by repurposing two unrelated items to make a mobile hanging file folder organizer.

I have been working from home for the last 11 years and have tried and used many pieces of furniture, office supples, file storage and desk accessories to make my work from home life productive while in a decorative style.

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I am lucky to have a room in my home that I made into a work place just for me. I call it my studioffice where I can do both the messy creative and crafty projects using paints as well as a pretty desk where I can take care of running my own business from the comfort of my home.

Kitchen as a work from home office space.

When we moved to the lake I noticed that when I wasn’t creating projects in my studioffice and was using my computer, I would head out to the kitchen table where the view of the lake is better.

Working from home set up ideas

When I did this I also took along a few files of posts I was working on as well as other things related to running a blog.

By dinnertime on many days, the table was filled with all my paperwork that I would pile up when it was time to serve dinner.

This was not a good thing as the papers became disorganized and not good for my production.

To keep myself better organized when I worked at the kitchen table, I outfitted a basket file with all that I needed and placed it on a chair. This was better, but still not ideal.

I had to come up with a better solution to keep me organized when I worked from the kitchen.

Trinidad Office Chair from World Market

Fast forward to cleaning out my craft room – studioffice last week. It was quite a mess after all the holiday projects I worked on in December. I took a hard look at everything in the room and realized I never sit on this white leather office chair.

I love the styling of this chair, it is very chic and feminine, but whenever I sit on it, my lower back goes out on me. :-( Does this happen to anyone else when sitting in certain chairs?

Bloggers home office after decluttering

I have another office chair that I made over a few years ago using pink and white cowhide fabric that I use that is fine for my back.

Upside down office chair

When I was taking the chair to the garage, I noticed that the wheel base was screwed on with large metal screws and easy to take apart.

You know how much I like adding wheels to furniture. Seeing the wheels gave me an idea that I figured would not be hard to try out. I did just that I started experimenting with ways to make the basket file I use in my kitchen easily moveable around the table and out of the way when I wasn’t using it.

I realize that many of you will never need something like what I created with an office chair and a hanging file folder organizer basket, but I decided to post about it to inspire you to ask yourself when looking at any item in your home…. ” What if?…”

What if?… I did this or What if?… I removed that. Keeping your mind open allows you to give everything, especially stuff you are getting rid of a second look and hidden potential for a new use.

Don’t look at the item as a whole though. Look at each separate part of the item by itself. Envision it combined with something else that may not be related to it at all.

Creative file storage idea. Mobile hanging file folder organizer by kitchen table.

See if you can use parts of one item and add it to another unrelated item to come up with something new that can make your life easier, more organized or just for something decorative.

Creative File Storage Idea

Work from home in the kitchen using this creative file storage idea. A rolling file folder to keep you organized.

Keeping an open mind to the possibilities and my needs allowed me to create a mobile file organizer that I can roll right up to the kitchen table when needed and then roll away at the end of the day.

Hanging file folder holder with a basket inside to hold office supplies is a creative file storage idea for when you work from home.

To give my mobile file holder more function, I placed a flatware caddy basket from the thrift store inside so I would have a place for pens, note pads, a stapler, scissors and other misc desk supplies that I use every day.

For the flatware caddy basket, I used a small box to create a lift in the back of the file folder basket so the flatware caddy sat up flush with the top of the file folder basket.

How to Repurpose an Office Chair To a Mobile Hanging File Folder Organizer

Time needed: 2 hours

Creative File Folder Organizer to Use When Working From Home

  1. Remove Seat

    Remove the seat from the office chair. I used an Allen Wrench to remove mine.

    Upside down office chair

  2. Measure Base

    Figure out the size you will need to make a wood box (or find a pre-made wood crate that will fit) that will go over the wheeled chair base. My base was 13″ x 19″. I made the box slightly larger than this so I could easily place in over the metal base and attach it.
    Office chair base being transformed to hold a hanging file folder organizer for use when working from home.

  3. Make a Box

    I made the wood box from scrap lumber. I needed a top piece and 4 side pieces.

    I cut each to the size needed and used small finishing nails to make a simple, rustic looking box.

    How to make a home filing system DIY

  4. Attach Box to Base

    Once the wood box was finished, I placed it top side face down and then centered the top of the office chair into it. I used wood screws to attach.

    Attaching the base of an office chair to a wood box to make to hold a file folder organizer.

  5. Flip It Over

    Turn the whole thing over and place a file folder organizer box on top.

    Options: You can paint the wood or cover it with fabric to coordinate with your decor.

    Depending on the size of your chair base you may be able to buy a pre-made wood crate or box to use from the craft store.

    Completed office chair makeover to mobile file folder holder to use when working from home.

My new rolling file folder organizer may not be perfect, but it is exactly what I needed. The best part, I didn’t have to buy anything new to create it.

Kitchen as a work from home office space.

For more work from home tips to help you stay organized and productive, head over to my post where I share how I store everything in my craft room/studioffice.

If you have been working from home over the last year, you’re probably noticing that you’re inadvertently collecting supplies, and might not have a way to contain all of those random odds and ends. Whatever your home office set up is, avoiding a cluttered workspace is just as important as ever to stay productive.

I bought the hanging file folder basket many years ago at Target. I looked for something similar to share with you. Here are a few I found:

Chic & Stylish Hanging File Folder Organizers

Repurpose an Old Office Chair

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  1. Very clever. Was nodding my head along when you talked about “inadvertently collecting supplies, and might not have a way to contain all of those random odds and ends.”
    Something to think about.

  2. Jennifer Dynys says:

    Super smart! Isn’t it funny how we just migrate to certain places in the house even when we may have a designated workspace!? I am the same way! Thank you for joining us at Embracing Home and Family Link Party! I always enjoy your posts!

  3. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    I love this & want to copy every single detail!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sheryll – Thank you. How are you. I hope you are well.

  4. Hi Diane,
    What a great idea! I love the way it’s so mobile/portable. I appreciate any clever organization ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Diane. What a timely post since many are working from home. I love how the files can just be rolled away. I typically work in my music room with limited space so often I place my sorted files on the floor which isn’t ideal. It’s time to get creative I think. :) Thanks so much Sean

  6. That is darn clever. You must feel your creativity really going to town with that project. i love repurposing stuff like that. Really sharp.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Eileen – I love love love repurposing stuff or bringing new life to old stuff. :-)

  7. Suburb idea… You rock!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Erin and for being one “rock”ing reader. :-)

  8. I have a chair base just waiting for a project like this. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jane – Reading your comment makes me glad that I made the decision to post about how I made my rolling files and providing inspiration for you.

  9. Happy New Year, Diane!!

    That picture of you working at the table with your computer is “Dian-o-myte”!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Helen – :-) You are so cute – thanks for leaving such a clever comment.

  10. Michele Hao says:

    Very clever, Diane. You always have such great ideas and pictures.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Michele – I really enjoy making new stuff from other things or old stuff destined for the trash to make one of a kind items to fit my style. I think having a small budget helps me be more creative when using stuff I already own.

  11. Love, love it! What a great idea! Thank you!

  12. Wow, Diane….I almost didn’t recognize you sitting on that chair! Where did the other half of you go??? Love your very casual look in this picture! How interesting to see how you made that transition from chair to rolling “cart”. Love it, but then I rarely find anything you do that I don’t like! Lol…and that is partly what keeps me anxious to open your emails. ?
    Have a great weekend coming up.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – Thank you. :-) I have been on a healthy living mission for the past 3 years. It has paid off in so many ways. I plan to write about what I have been doing soon.

  13. Dianne love you new hairstyle. The cut makes you look much younger then when you first went gray.
    Love your blog but disappointed when open and have to open each suggested article separately
    Must be a new thing see it on other blogs. I like to open based on the picture I see.
    Just my thoughts !

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Barbara – Thanks. When I first let my hair go grey I had it all chopped off to get rid of the hair color. Now with Covid, I have learned to cut it myself and like it so much better.

      Can you explain about opening each article separately? Are you talking about links that you click to go to another post, open up in a new page? I just want to make sure I understand what you are seeing on my blog. Thanks it would be a be help to know.

  14. Marilyn Holeman says:

    I love the photo of you sitting at your kitchen table! And another great idea from Diane. Thanks for your inspiration!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Marilyn – Thanks :-)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Deb – :-) Now I can get more done and stay organized.

  15. Deborah Brennan says:

    Just when I thought you couldn’t get more clever ! You are amazing, and look great ! Looking forward to your post about your better health journey…I need some inspiration! Happy New Year Diane. ❤️

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Deborah – Happy to hear that my post inspired you. I am getting a post ready about my better health journey and will get it posted soon. Thanks for reading.

  16. LOVE it!! Surprised you didn’t make a slipcover for the wood holder to go with your chairs. LOL As always, Diane, your creativity truly inspires! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Diane – When figuring out how to make the rolling file, using fabric crossed my mind, but I wanted to add some contrast to all the fabric that is already around the table. I was happy when I found the scrap pallet wood in my wood stash. It was the perfect color and size which made the project even easier to make. :-)

  17. Hi Diane,
    I discovered your site a few weeks ago and I love it! I have been hooked since!
    I love the fact that you just use inexpensive objects and turn them into something fabulous!
    I love your house, if only mine was as tidy! Alas housework and tidying are my 2 pet hates!
    Keep the posts coming!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Rosiale – Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love hearing from new readers. Keeping things tidy is an on-going battle, some days are better than others when it comes to tidy and housework. :-)

  18. What a great idea!! Love your posts!

  19. You, my dear, are an amazing woman! I enjoy you, your ideas and your blog posts so much. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Deborah – Thanks for making my day. As a blogger this means a lot to hear this. XO

  20. Heidi McCuddin says:

    Diane, the first thing that struck me was your weight loss. Look at you all curled up in your chair. I’m sure you are feeling great. Congratulations. I’ve followed your blog for many years, and I’m enjoying how you’re making your house your “home.”

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Heidi –

      I am feeling the best I ever have in my life. I have always been flexible and fold my legs under me when I sit down since I was a kid. To sit any other way feels uncomfortable to me. :-)

      Losing weight to stay as healthy as I can as I age has been a priority for the last 3 years in my life and it has paid off. Ed even adopted to the way I eat and work out seeing the benefits it has given me. I am working on a post about what I have been doing that has worked for me.