Cleaning, Dancing, and Decorating With Swiffer in NYC

While I wait for the primer coats of paint to dry on my kitchen cabinets, I thought I would show you where I went a month ago.

View of NYC from good Housekeeping Magazines offices

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I have lots of photos and a video that I think will make you smile from a fantastic trip to NYC that was hosted by Swiffer.  You know Swiffer, right?  The green boxes and cleaning tools that make cleaning easy and fun. This is the second year that I have been part of the Swiffer team or as we are fondly known… Swiffer Fanatics.

I joined the team of bloggers from around the country to learn the newest science behind Swiffer products, plus I found out about a Swiffer cleaning tool I had never used before.  It is now my favorite way to clean my hardwood floors.  More on this later, first I want to tell you about the trip.

You know I love NYC and this trip will be one of my most memorable visits, EVER! I enjoyed meeting up with other bloggers and the Swiffer team from P&G, and all the fun places we went in and around NYC, but what made this trip one I will never forget was this….


…getting to dance with two former Rockettes and learn a few simple moves and kicks.

I love the Rockettes, like…. really LOVE watching them every year in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and going to Radio City to see the Christmas Show. I have seen it many times and it never gets old for me. :-) Whenever I see the Rockettes, I want to jump up and dance.  It was so much fun to be able to do just that after all these years.

We took a bus from our hotel to the Paul Taylor Dance Studio where two Rockettes were waiting for us to teach us a few moves using a Swiffer duster as our prop.

Swiffer dancing with the Rockettes

After about an hour…we were ready to take the stage.

YouTube video

I have been on a lot of trips with brands, but Swiffer always makes their brand immersions so much fun.

Dancing like a Rockette was only one of the fun events we got to take part in.

We also went to Carlos Bake Shop in Hoboken, NJ. It is where the TV show, Cake Boss is filmed.

What to do in NYC

We took part in a cake decorating contest where we each got to decorate a cake with fondant in Swiffer colors.  Here is my finished cake.


I have never worked with fondant before, having the professional machinery to flatten the fondant made us look like pros.


We also went to the Hearst building where the offices of Good Housekeeping are.  Swiffer, of course has the GH seal of approval. :-)  It is pretty amazing to see how Good Housekeeping tests everything from ovens to toys and the extend they go to.

Foster Dogs NYC

Next up on our itinerary was going to Foster Dogs, NYC.

Animal shelter in NYC

We got to give some love to some very cute furry friends who are looking for a forever home. If you are in NYC and know anyone who would love a furry pup or kitty, this is the place to go. If you are a pet owner, then you know just how wonderful a Swiffer is at keeping pet hair scarce around the house.


What’s a brand immersion event without learning the newest and greatest features of the products?  I came prepared to tell the folks at Swiffer that the WetJet sometimes leaves a film on my wood floor. No need, it was the first thing on the agenda. It is one of the biggest complaints about the Swiffer Wetjet, that it left streaks and film on wood…. Not anymore!

Adjustments to the pad now spreads the liquid more evenly, as well as absorbs it even more, so no streaks or film. If you have a Wet Jet, the new pads are now in stores, they have a purple Absorb & Lock strip running along the middle of the pad.

Swiffer vac

The other thing I learned was that Swiffer has a vacuum called the Sweep + Vac. I didn’t know this, but after hearing from all the other bloggers how wonderful it is, I have one now!

I have had it for a few weeks now…it has become my go-to cleaning tool when I need to sweep the floor. It even gets all the little pine cones pieces from my yard that we bring in on our shoes.

If you use Swiffer products then you know they do make cleaning easy…and we all love that!

Cleaning closet organizing tips

I added the Swiffer Sweep + Vac to my cleaning supplies. It needs to be plugged in so I have it near the wall outlet. I also use the Wet Jet, Duster, and the original Swiffer that can be used with wet and or dry cloths. Cleaning for me has never been so easy.

Did you know that you can use a Swiffer Dry Refill Cloth to:

  • Clean your walls before painting. You’ll avoid the dust and dirt that can get trapped in the paint. The Swiffer duster works well for this, too. I even use it to clean off the sanding grit when I am painting a piece of furniture. It works like a tack cloth.
  • Planning to move? Place the cloths between plates and other breakables. Not only will you keep them cushioned, you’ll be able to clean when you move into the new place.
  • Use them to clean baseboards and ceiling fans.
  • Use them to wipe down the inside of the washer and dryer to remove lint and buildup.
  • Use them as drawer fresheners–add essential oil and place in drawers or cabinets to keep them smelling fresh.


What is your favorite way to use a Swiffer?


As I said in the beginning of this post… I had one fabulous time in NYC thanks to Swiffer. The only thing I didn’t get to do and wanted to since the weather was beautiful…was to take one of these beauties parked in front of our hotel out for a spin.

Maybe next time.

Do you use any Swiffer products or love the Radio City Rockettes as much as I do?

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  1. Patricia Wilson says:

    Diane, I so enjoyed your NYC post. I live in Connecticut so the City is not that very far away and I love it. Like most of your Blog followers, I almost feel like I know you; unfortunately, not a two-way street. Nevertheless, I was your biggest fan the Rockettes dance video. I could tell immediately that “of course, you have innate dance talent.” Likewise, your Swiffer cake was unique in using the Swiffer colors. Yours was the only one frosted in white fondant instead of green (looked blue on my computer). I use the dry Swiffer pads for dusting instead of the intended dusting Swiffer tool and pads. They work great. I’m not so much a fan of using them as a dry mop on my floors; nor the wet mop. Perhaps my floors, especially my kitchen floor, are dirtier than most. Having said that, I’m going to purchase the electronic wet mop, for my wood floors, and dry vacuum to see how they work for me. Regardless of those results, yours is one of my favorite Blogs because it’s so accessible that it feels “like real life.”

  2. Debbie Klausing says:

    Diane, I am such a fan of the Swiffer duster! I tell people that it has given me a new attitude about dusting, although I have to admit I don’t dust as often as I should. In the winter my hands get so dry and my fingertips sometimes crack, so that Swiffer duster is so appreciated! Makes a dreaded job easy! Love that I can reach high corners, shelves, crown moulding, whatever! Getting behind and under furniture is a snap! I only wish the refills had a lower price.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Debbie – I agree with you that using a Swiffer does give you a new attitude about cleaning. One thing I did learn when I was at the Swiffer event in NYC is that when you use the duster, you can keep using it until you see it doesn’t pick up dust anymore. They are not made for one time use only. I keep mine on over a few cleaning cycles. When I see it no longer is picking up dust, I put on a new duster. This does save money at least for the dusters. :-)

      1. Debbie Klausing says:

        Thanks Diane! I do the same thing with the dusters. When it gets too dirty, I send it to the basement for my husband to use on cobwebs, baseboards, or whatever, Lol!

  3. Debbie Mayfield says:

    Thanks for sharing your trip. For a first time to use fondant your cake came out really good! My husband is a commercial property adjuster and tomorrow we are headed to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a couple of weeks. I’m tagging along to enjoy the view.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Debbie – What a wonderful time to be going to the beach. Sad for the reason since many have to deal with the aftermath of Matthew, but I am sure you will enjoy the weather and not having to deal with the summer crowds around. Enjoy! :-)

  4. Kelly Elko says:

    First Swiffer – next Radio City Music Hall! What a fun time Diane!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kelly – Taking trips into NYC are always a fun, but this one took the cake, literally. I found a weekly dance class to attend…will be ready for the the Christmas Show :-)

  5. What a great post Diane. You work so hard on your blog that you deserve all the breaks you can get. Such a wonderful experience you had. I loved your “Swiffer” cake. Really enjoyed your video and you are a natural! I took tap lessons several years ago…like in my 40’s! It was fun. I would have really enjoyed the Good Housekeeping visit. Have always felt items with their approval were worth my money. I’m looking forward to seeing your kitchen. I know it will knock our socks off! Vikki in VA

  6. Connie McGhee says:

    What hotel, I don’t recognize the roundabout!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Connie – The photo was taken from the Good Housekeeping offices in the Hearst Tower. The view looks out to the west side of 59th street and Columbus Circle and Central Park.

  7. Michelle James says:

    What an amazing trip. I have always wanted to go to NYC but haven’t been there yet. I love that view in the first picture looking over Central Park. That is beautiful. Is that from your hotel room?

    I danced when I was young but never had the Rockette body either. I am 5’2″ and I won’t even mention the weight. LOL! I don’t use the Swiffer products very much but that little vacuum sounds very interesting. I am going to do some research. Thank you.

    I love your cake too!

  8. The Cake Boss is one of my secret obsessions. I love watching that show. Did you get to meet Buddy or any of his sisters?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Loribeth – It was a quiet morning at the bakery when we visited. Buddy was not there, but we did get to meet Mauro.

      1. I like Mauro too. It looks like the whole trip was a success!

  9. This is inspiring me to learn to dance! Maybe that’s the key to weight loss. You look great!

  10. A Rockette used to live 2 doors down from me! She was a normal person — a BEAUTIFUL normal person!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Helen – That is so nice to hear. The two dancers we met were both extremely warm and friendly, it was truly a delight to meet them. Did you neighbor ever get you free tickets? :-)

      1. We had already been to the show a few times, and she knew that, so the subject never came up.

        I saw you on the video — but they put you too far from the camera! It looked like you were doing a good job, though.

  11. Linda Schombert says:

    Always loved the Sweep ‘n vac, got a new one in a package with their steamer and have been very dissatisfied, battery will not hold a charge for even 10 minutes…perhaps I got a defective one, ;-(

  12. Paige Coggin says:

    Diane, what a fun trip! You were an adorable rockette. Love the NYC pictures but can’t wait to see kitchen pictures. Please do some live Facebook recordings. We’d live to see you live and real time

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Paige – I wish I was 5′-7″ and wore a size 2. :-) I am just getting into doing videos, one more hat to wear as a blogger. Having an assistant does make doing these much easier. It takes a lot of time to get the lighting set up and right, but you will see some short ones soon on my site and on Facebook.

      1. Rosie ruiz says:

        You are such and inspirational women so clever at what you do where do you find the time to do all your progect from rosie

  13. Love today’s post…I would love to see the Good Housekeeping testing site in person. I put a lot of value in their seal of approval.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks June – I had no idea how much they stand behind the products they give the seal to. I will be looking more closely from now on to find products with the seal.

  14. I used to have hardwood floors (previous house) and used Swiffer WetJet. Loved the thing so much we left it behind for the new owners. I’m hoping to put in wood flooring in this house but with a dog, I’m not sure I’d use Swiffer WetJet. There were reports for several years about dogs getting sick from licking the floors. Our dog cleans our floors of all sorts of food every single day. I’m not willing to risk her health. Has Swiffer addressed this safety-for-our-fur-family issue?

  15. I have a Rockette story for you! Several years ago the Rockettes came to Columbus, OH. Our 7-story office building was new at the time and the Rockettes used the empty floors below us for their practices. We could always tell when the entire ensemble was practicing in the afternoon because the water cups would literally shake on our desks, and you could literally feel the music throughout the office. Bonus was being able to attend the Christmas show free!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Denise – What a fun story to tell. I bet hearing the vibrations and the music made your work place a very festive place. Getting to see the show for free … :-)

  16. What a fun trip! I love my Swiffer tools also. My favorite is the duster – so fast!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Cheryl – I have two dusters, I keep one in my car. It cleans a dusty dash and leather seats super fast.

      1. You have just made me SO HAPPY!!! A dusty car is a pet peeve of mine but it never occurred to me to keep one in the car! I plan a day to wash the car inside & out and of course once it’s cold I just endure till spring. Not any more – another duster is on the shopping list!

  17. Melissa Leach says:

    What a cute post! So happy you had a good time in NYC. I love the Rocketts, how cool to be able to learn a routine from a couple of them. I love my Swiffer products. Hope your primer dries quickly :)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Melissa – I am painting the kitchen cabinets one section at a time. Primer is on and I am about to put the second coat of paint on the first section. It is looking good and makes the room so much brighter, especially at night.

  18. I’m happy to hear that Swiffer has done something about the hard floor streaking. I stopped using the product for that reason. I’ll try it again with the new cloths, so thanks for the info. Sounds like you had a great time in NY and thanks for sharing with us. Oh, one of my favorite uses is dusting baseboards and ceiling cobwebs with the long handled 360 degree dusters. Sure makes it easy.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Pat – I love the long handled duster. It is a pretty genius tool and easy to store. I have one and use it to clean all the ceiling fans in my house and the ceiling cobwebs.

  19. I know blogging is alot of work but…the perks would be great.. dancing at the studio and then decorating a cake with people we watch year after year. I love swiffers and with 2 indoor beagles and a cat I always have them handy. Please remember I can have a bag packed in a moment notice and will tag along anytime(LOL). Have a great day hopefully Matthew didn’t bring to much flooding to your area.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lou – I wish I could take all my readers with me. :-) I try to get lots of photos so that I can share them with you. Matthew didn’t cause any problems where I live in the middle of the state of SC. Closer to the coast was were all the flooding is. Hopefully those effected can get the needed help and their homes restored quickly.