Chalk Painted Speckled Easter Eggs
Easter Egg Decorating Idea using chalk or craft paint. Make speckled Easter eggs. It is fun and an easy Easter decorating project.

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Even though there are no little kids around, I still wanted to make the day feel special for our Easter brunch.

I kept things simple and put to use some of the decorative gift wrap I have been finding at HomeGoods.

I simply measured the table and cut a strip of gift wrap long enough to hang down on each side. I cut a “V” into each end with scissors.

When my girls were little, we hid Easter eggs for them to find – the plastic ones. I filled them with M&M’s, HK’s – a.k.a. Hershey Kisses, and money. My grown daughter asked that a few eggs be hidden just to make the day feel more like Easter, even though there will no competition in who finds the most eggs around in the form of her big sister.
Instead of decorating real eggs, I made over a few plastic ones I found in our recent attic purge.

Unpainted, they were a bit too bright and novel for the table, so I gathered some craft paint and Plaster of Paris and made little batches of DIY chalk paint to paint and speckle the eggs.
The chalk paint is flat so they look like real eggs except for the line in the middle where they open up to fill with goodies.
How to Speckle Easter Eggs With Chalk Paint
You can use buy small bottles of chalk paint at the craft store now, but when I wrote the post, chalk paint only came in quarts and was expensive. Making my own with Plaster of Paris allowed me to make it on the cheap . :-)
You can use any paint to paint eggs, though. You would just need to sand them to rough the surface up a bit and then use a primer and paint in one or a multi-purpose craft paint.

supplies needed:
- Plastic Easter Eggs
- Plaster of Paris
- Craft Paint – I used Martha Stewart Crafts paint in: Summer Haze, Jonquil, Mint, and Peppermint. Apple Barrel Paint in Petunia Purple, and a sample I had of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Provence.
- Small paint brushes
- Scrap paper
- Stiff stencil brush or toothbrush
1. Open eggs and place on a scrap piece of paper. Choose your paint colors and then mix up a tiny bit of DIY chalk paint for each color. I sprinkled each color of paint with Plaster of Paris and then stirred it around on the paper or dish.

2. I let the first coat dry and then applied a second coat.

3. Once the paint was dry, I mixed a little bit of white paint in a bowl with some water. I dipped a stencil brush (toothbrush will work, too) and then flicked the brush with my finger once to remove excess paint. Then I did the same thing holding the brush over the eggs.
4. I repeated the process using brown paint and water.

I placed them on a sheet moss-lined, white ceramic platter.

Simple, but festive.

Happy Easter

For more Easter Decorating Ideas check out: