Before and After Decoupage Table Makeover
How to transform any aging table with a decoupage furniture makeover.
I have had some extra time on my hands and got this table makeover completed a bit differently than I had originally planned.
I decided to decoupage the table by weaving strips of wrapping paper over the surface of the table.
For those of you who don’t know, to decoupage furniture means to use any sort of paper medium and glue it onto the furniture. It’s important to use the right glue, I personally used Mod Podge to decoupage this table.
Not only is my little table bright and cheery now, but with the addition of a thrift store tray she is super functional, too. We used to have to worry that drink glasses would leave rings on the dark wood and she always looked dirty as every spec of dust showed, even after cleaning with a microfiber cloth. Not anymore!
How to Decoupage a Table With Gift Wrapping Paper
Table BEFORE Makeover
Here is my small round table I bought for $22. She is modern looking and on wheels. Wheeee… which I love. I would like to have all my furniture on wheels if possible; it just makes for easier moving and flexibility.
I found this tray at a local retirement community. It cost me 2 bucks.
AFTER: Table Makeover
I used sheets of gift wrap that is called Hatch No. 1648. I loved it when I saw it, but they didn’t have enough so I went online to Snow & Graham who actually make the paper to get more.
The gift wrap is cut in strips and woven so you don’t have to worry about matching the pattern.
Each sheet was $3.25. I needed 5 sheets as I wanted to weave strips of it to provide some texture. If I just placed the paper flat onto the table I would have needed less.
The tray is the perfect way for me to bring in drinks and food into the family room. When not in use, it looks like a part of the table.
I looked into the cost of having round glass cut to size for the top and bottom, but it was over $100 to have custom glass cut, so I opted to seal the paper with Mod Podge instead.
How to Decoupage a Table – Step-By-Step Tutorial
Step 1. I measured the side thickness of the wood table top and cut lots of strips from the gift wrap to that measurement. I then wove the strips together. Remember when you went to summer camp and you made woven pot holders – same concept but using paper strips and pins on my work table instead of a little loom. Place the printed side of the gift wrap down when weaving.
Step 2. Once I had a big enough woven section I spray glued on a piece of craft paper the diameter of the table so it would be easy to move. Flip it over and make sure everything is smooth and flat. Find the correct placement for it on the table and mark if needed. Remove.
Step 3. Spray glue evenly over table top and then center and carefully place woven gift-wrap on table. Having the craft paper base makes it pretty easy.
Step 4. Glue the strips that go over the side to the side of the wood top. Make sure they are smooth. Cut if necessary to get each piece to lay flat. Once it is all smooth. Glue one long strip over the wrapped edge for a finished look. I then covered the paper with 3 coats of matte Mod Podge to seal it.
Step 5. I used the scraps of the gift wrap and cut them into small squares and then used Mod Podge to attach them to the tray. I originally painted the tray, but that is not necessary. I also sealed the gift-wrap on the tray with 3 coats of Mod Podge. I spray-glued a round piece of felt to the bottom of the tray to provide a barrier between the two Mod Podge surfaces.
The tray adds so much functionality to my table now – I love it!