Before & After Exterior House Painting Reveal

It is exterior house makeover painting BEFORE and AFTER reveal day!!!

I know many of you have been patiently waiting for me to show you how my once dark teal painted house looks now that it has taken on a more neutral color scheme. We are very happy with how the color has updated the house and fits in with the neighboring homes on my cul-de-sac.


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This is Part 3 in a series where I am sharing the whole exterior painting process. If you missed them or want a reminder, you can read:

Front Side of the House

The front of the house looks like the house is a small brick ranch style home, but it is a two-story home which becomes evident when you view the back or lake side of the house.

House Exterior Before getting painted

BEFORE Painting – Front Exterior

This is how the front exterior of my house used to look. Very textured tan brick with dark teal trim on the front. I would have liked to paint the brick or sided the house with plank so I could paint it all the same color, but that was way out of the budget.

I had to be realistic. Even though I write a blog that includes home improvement projects, that doesn’t mean I can do everything. I do have a budget just like every homeowner out there. I had to figure out how I could make the best of what we could spend.

Exterior of brick House photos before makeover


Having the house repainted has made a HUGE difference…

tan brick Ranch house after new paint

Front of House: AFTER painting using Glidden Premium Exterior Paint Plus Primer in the color Khaki Bronze.

I LOVE what paint can do to update the exterior of a home.

Outside of a home that was just painted tan from a dark teal color

Painting is the first step and biggest change that will move us forward to add more character and color to the front.

I took some liberty with this “after” photo to share my vision with my limited Photoshop skills, now that the teal paint is gone.

What I Still Need to Do:

  • landscaping that will coordinate with the lake side of the house
  • a wood slat wall in-between the front door and window
  • oversized modern metal street address numbers on slat wall
My vision for updating the front exterior of my home.

I have thought quite a lot about what I want to do to the front of the house – ideas that would keep it simple and affordable while adding some character. The wood slat wall brings the whole facade together and is something that I can easily make and add myself.

UPDATE: The slat wall I planned is completed. You can read about how I make it in this post:

Other Exterior Projects To Complete

When we get a new roof, it will be lighter in color – not black like the current one.

The flowers in the front bed are already planted. I need to plant 3 hydrangeas and some dwarf English boxwood for the foundation plants. These will coordinate with the lakeside landscaping.

We may keep the front steps for the time being or at least until I come up with a solid plan that we can do/ afford.  I don’t want to become house poor – Ed and I like to travel and take trips so I don’t want to eat into that budget.

Time is on my side for the steps – I am in no rush to get it done. When doing anything to my home and in life in general, I keep in mind what my Momma used to say – “Don’t hurry when decorating a home – let things evolve”.

Front of house in dabbled shade

Depending on the time of day, the house can be in full sun or late afternoon dappled shade which changes the way the color of the paint looks.

Lake Side of House Exterior BEFORE & AFTER

The lake side of the house has a rustic presence and looks totally different from the front.

Faded teal paint on brick lake house that got a makeover.

Lakeside of House Exterior BEFORE with faded teal paint.

What I didn’t like about this look is that the lower half is brick and the top dark. It gives the house a top-heavy look.

Lake side of 1970 era home that got a new coat of paint

Lakeside of House Exterior AFTER with new coat of paint: Glidden Premium Exterior Paint Plus Primer in the color Khaki Bronze

I pulled a color from the flecks in the brick to use to paint the siding and trim. Doing this removed the top-top heavy look.

When one of my friends came via the lake right after the house was painted, she commented on how different the house looked. She also remarked on how much the green shrubs around the deck “popped”. She also thought the shutters were new.  We added them over a year ago, but they blended in with the teal color and were not very noticeable before.

Exterior House Paint Makeover using Glidden Premium Paint and Primer

A closer look as the sun goes down.

Side View of House Exterior BEFORE & AFTER

side view of teal green and tan brick house

Side view of house BEFORE

Side view of house AFTer getting a new color of paint on the exterior

Looks a lot different. The Crepe Myrtle has been cut back quite a bit. It should start blooming a deep pink any day now.

I have had to embrace the fact that my house is not a modern farmhouse or a classic traditional Georgian style home like the one I lived in for 22 years. That house also had a lot of white trim and classic architectural features.

Lake house in rustic tree lined setting

The house is a mix of architectural styles and sits in a natural, rustic setting, even though the boxwoods around the deck give it a more classic home vibe. Keeping the color neutral works with the setting.

Lake house painted in Glidden premium paint in the color Khaki Bronze

I can now check off “painting the exterior of the house” from my “To-Do” list.

After adding the slat wall and landscaping to the front, it will be onto the next project… re-staining the dock…

Side of house that shows the transition from Ranch style front facade to two story lake side
Side of house that shows the transition from Ranch style front facade to two story lake side

…and the lattice around the deck. I think I actually want to remove the lattice and replace it with a board over board look to create a more modern feel.

I will get them done eventually, but now that summer is here…

Lake view from side of house

…the lake beckons… time for a little fun and relaxation before starting on the slat wall and landscaping.

More Exterior Home Improvement Projects

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  1. Diane Donofrio says:

    From one Diane to another….your home is extremely beautiful!!!
    Sending you lots of love and admiration for all that you do and share!!
    Love, Diane from West Palm Beach, Florida

  2. Hoàng Gia Vũ says:

    Amazing view. I really like your post. Thank you so much for share your useful post.

  3. I cannot believe how similar your house looks to mine! I have been looking for ways to update the exterior for quite a long time, but it is hard since the exterior looks different than so many. My front wall is stone, along with similar brick to yours on the other walls. I have considered whitewashing it (my husband is against it)…what are your thoughts on that? The landscaping makes such an update as well! Well done!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Ashley – It is nice to find houses similar to our own to see what can be done that we may have overlooked. I love going on dream drives just to look at houses for inspiration. As far as whitewashing. I love the look and considered doing it to my house, but since the brick is so rough, not smooth as most brick is we just opted to paint the siding and trim, leaving the brick alone. If your brick is smooth, then I think it will look great. If done with quality paint, it should last a long time. Have you read Blesser House’s post on the subject?

  4. Joyce Compares says:

    Such an incredible transformation!!!

    1. Love the new color! Makes your home look even bigger. I never realized you had that side deck before. Great deck overall!

  5. Ruth Porter says:

    Nice before and after photos! It looks new and the area looks very peaceful. Thanks for the share!

  6. The house looks great with its new colour! Your garden is beautiful, it must be wonderful to have the lake right there.

  7. Congratulations Diane and Ed-!! The new paint color s fantastic! Enjoy the lake! Best, Shannon

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Shannon – Thanks – We are so happy here in SC living on the lake. So glad we decided to go after our dream. Hope everything is going well for you and you have lots of down time to enjoy the summer.

  8. Ahhhhhmayyyyyyzzzzzing transformation! Love the colors now in the “after” look!

  9. Wow, Diane….what a difference a little paint can make! I absolutely love the new calming and tranquil look of your home. Peaceful and inviting, just what your lake setting needed!

  10. This is one of the best before and after posts I’ve seen. The house looks great, I especially like the garage door. What a difference! The front is beautiful but the lakeside is spectacular. We moved to our house on the lake 3 years ago, and like you, I had to adjust after living in a big New England colonial for 23 years. Our house is basically a mid century modern with a hip style roof and adjusting my decorating style to this home has been a huge challenge. I agree with your mom, you need to let things evolve, but we had to tackle some things within our first few months here.
    I apologize in advance for asking a personal question, but I couldn’t help but notice your hair in one of the pictures. I think it looks beautiful if you don’t mind me saying so.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Margo –

      Thank you so much. We are so happy with the new paint color and so glad we took the time to figure out exactly what to do with our budget. What lake do you live on?

      Thanks about the nice comment about my hair. I love it, it is liberating not being a slave to dying it anymore every two weeks and having to use root crayons to hide the new growth. I have a twin sister and she did the same as me and is so happy. It does take confidence as many just don’t understand why I would not want to color it. Getting the right cut helps. :-)

  11. Very impressive. Such a beautiful modern color scheme. I love it!

  12. Laraine Larkin says:

    Your house turned out beautiful! Amazing how changing some color can transform it!

  13. Diane, thanks for your reply about the wood slat wall, I went back & found it! :) Just a suggestion: what about adding the same Shutters to the front window as you did on the other side of the house? That sure did make a big difference! Another easy & fairly inexpensive idea would be to put a wrought iron trellis or hang a large ornamental metal piece against that front wall to break the blank space up some. Hobby Lobby always has so many beautiful pieces to choose from at 40-50% off. Congratulations on your precious new granddaughter Zoe!

  14. Oh…I really like it…from all sides. You wouldn’t think that a little bit of paint would make all that much of a difference…but, it looks fantastic. After you add that slat wall out front…it’ll look like a whole new home. Now…enjoy your lakeshore lifestyle, at least for a little bit. ;)

  15. Lovely,so refreshing! You must be so happy with the results. I think you NAILED IT with that color.. You are a true inspiration. Have a wonderful summer. Love how you keep things real!

  16. I love everything about it, The slat wall and hydrangeas out front will blend the front and back together perfectly. So if you just can’t keep away from that new Grand-baby no need to list the house! ?

  17. Oh, that neutral scheme is MUCH better – ties in with the natural woodsy setting. Just lovely, Diane.

  18. Wow Diane…the exterior of the house looks fantastic. I know you are thrilled that this project is finished. Enjoy your summer and many visit with that precious grand baby.

  19. Wow! I have been waiting to see the paint change and what a change it is! Your house looks spectacular and once you add the slat wall, it’s going to be even more amazing!

  20. Kelly Prater says:

    Absolutely beautiful! Great color choice!

  21. Susan Ward says:

    I love everything you do and wish you lived near me . YOU are so talented.

  22. It looks so nice! This is one of the things I love about your blog, Diane. You do make changes and DIY that, with budgeting and saving, many can do. Unlike some blogs that are purely inspirational. Because, most folks don’t have $4,000 + to “update” their outdoor space or $50,000 to overhaul their kitchens. While I don’t begrudge them that and I know they get much of that free or deeply discounted. I really appreciate that you keep it real!

  23. Love that proposed slat wall! Great job picking khaki bronze! Omg I want a lake house!

  24. Hi Diane! It must have given you a tremendous amount of satisfaction & relief to finally cross this major project off your “to do” list!! All the effort & hard work paid off and was well worth your time and expense. I must have missed your post about the wood slat wall by the front door, can you please briefly tell the plans again? Thank you for always being an inspiration!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kathy –

      I have not posted about the slat wall yet. I still have to make it.:-) I Photoshopped my vision in the photo so readers could see my vision. When I make it – which will be in this summer, I will surely post about how I made it.

  25. Beautiful now please come to my lake house.

  26. 3rdgenpainting says:

    I love this post and love this site in general. Keep up the great work!

  27. Carol Heartfelt Whimsies says:

    It looks incredible!! Bet you are thrilled!! Wonderful paint choice!!

  28. Yaaay! It looks AMAZING! Could barely wait for the big reveal & it did not disappoint!

  29. Looks very peaceful and serene. I think your choice of color is perfect.

  30. WOW! What a fantastic transformation! One of these days we’ll get around to painting the exterior of our late 80s home and get a new garage door. This post gives me hope ours can be transformed. I actually really like your front doors. They have a lot of detail and will look even better once you have the wooden slat wall built. As you sit outside on your deck this summer, enjoy the view of your newly painted home!

  31. Diane, you home looks amazing! Your new paint colors definitely made it looks YEARS younger and so fresh! It’s tricky to get the paint colors just right with that type of brick and your choice was flawless! So happy for you! And YES! I cannot wait to see that wood slat wall in the front with the cool new numbers. What a terrific idea!
    P.S. So glad you decided to keep the original doors. They have a unique character that shines with the paint update.
    Have fun enjoying the lake and your summer!

  32. Glorious! Beautiful change!

  33. Stella Napier says:

    Such a dramatic change! For the good! Amazing what a little paint can do. You nailed it!

  34. What a big difference!!! Your house looks amazing. The slat wall for the front with really add texture and make a nice update ?
    Now you get to enjoy Summer and your “new home “

  35. Absolutely beautiful! Enjoy!

  36. I think it looks great! Good choice on the colors, looks classy. You definitely deserve to take a break and enjoy your Summer without too much work (only the fun stuff).

    I like your front doors, especially as shown with the slats (super idea) & new house numbers.

  37. Anna Arthur says:

    Absolute Perfection!

  38. lorraine Ortiz says:

    Just beautiful ☀️ Love the virtual slat wall. It gives it a cool vibe.

  39. AMAZING!!!! It looks like a new house….great color choices. Now, take a much deserved break and enjoy the lake for awhile.

  40. Have you considered new front doors? Or at least, new hardware? The existing ones are very dated.

  41. Oh Diane, it LOOKS WONDERFUL!! CONGRATULATIONS on the finish!!! I know you labored for awhile over colors, etc. Boy, it looks grand! Kudos!

  42. Deb Brennan says:

    It all looks just fantastic Diane! Just proves , like in interiors, that when the care is taken to choose the right colours, paint is the most basic and yet transformative change that anyone can make ! Spectacular!

  43. You nailed it with your color choice. Completely changed the look of your house. Love it!
    How will you paint your lattice around the deck – brush or spay? I’m getting ready to paint my deck and lattice – I say brush my hubs says spray.
    Always enjoy your blog – you always have a good project going. And great ideas.

  44. A lovely transition from a little dark and dreary look to a much more contemporary facade. The shrubs do pop against the new color and the flowers will really accent your home as well.. It fits in well with the lake side as well.

  45. Deanna Rabe says:

    Your house looks wonderful!

  46. The house exterior is spectacular. I love the way you envision and execute your projects. Well done!

  47. 1960s girl says:

    Hello. Your house really looks good with its new colour! How peaceful it looks… The teal colour looked nice too, but it had a very different look.
    I love the idea of the slat wall.
    Enjoy the lake and the view this summer!

  48. I love it! You picked the perfect color to really make your house shine. Great job!

  49. Super job Diane. The new color scheme fits so well with your setting and does wonders for the appearance of the house, the features and landscaping. Enjoy!

  50. Absolutely beautiful!!!

  51. Looks so nice!! Great job!

  52. TerriC/HoustonLady says:

    Hi Diane,
    Wow.. your home looks awesome!! Great color choice.
    Now it’s time for you and Ed to enjoy your summer : )

  53. The new paint looks fantastic! Love all of your ideas for the future! Wishing you much enjoyment!

  54. Oh my word, it’s gorgeous!!! The colour you picked is spot on! I also love your idea of doing the slat wall, and eventually a lighter roof colour. Truly amazing what paint colour can do. Fantastic!!

  55. Cora McMichael says:

    Wow! What a difference wood and wood look accents make!

    1. Cora McMichael says:

      Its gorgeous!

  56. I love the new paint colour!! It has changed everything. I also like the slats you plan to put on the front wall. After the roof is changed to a lighter colour there will really be only one thing left to do–change the doors and windows beside them (imo)…that may be an expensive job. I think the doors need to go before the steps (doors are very 70’s)– It seems with home ownership there is always something to spend money on!!

    Just paint changed everything!! I love it!

  57. Beautiful! The paint color is absolutely perfect and brings out the curb appeal of the house.

  58. WOW!!!! Your house looks beautiful! To my eye that updated paint color really upped the value of your home. I’ve been watching all of your renovations and your home has become your signature happy comfortable home . Well done!!! Now it’s time to enjoy your summer and that gorgeous lake. : )

  59. I love the new look!! You picked the perfect color!

    1. The result was really awesome so beautiful in the eyes not so flashy or shiny that is so overrated. Your work was superb man hopefully you have a nice stay at your home. I will do same in my future house with my guys at northern beaches painting. Thank you for inspiring.