Cozy Throw Blankets For All Seasons
How to make a throw blanket and where to buy them to so that you can add color and texture to a room by draping them over a sofa, chair or bed.
As I was sitting alone in the comfort of the AC masking off the staircase around each baluster with nothing else but my thoughts to keep me amused, I started to think about fall and all that is ahead. If you don’t know this from reading my blog…. I LOVE Fall. It is my favorite season.

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Pretty soon the AC will be off and you will find me enjoying a crisp fall breeze blowing into the house.
When we first looked at our house last fall with the real estate agent, it was such a day. The breeze was gently blowing through the house, the leaves were vibrant all around the lake. I knew I found home.

Since I sort of missed enjoying fall last year with all that we had to do to move to SC, I am planning to make the most of it this year. Sitting out on the deck, gazing at the lake in one of my rockers with a hoodie and throw blanket… and of course a cup of hot tea.

Now that fall will be here soon I want to begin to warm the room up. I have drapes to still finish making and hang, as well as adding some cozy texture to the room.

One of the ways I like to warm up a room is by placing a throw blanket across the back or arm of a chair or sofa. I love how they warm up a space while pulling a color scheme together. I have many. If I have an extra I place it in big floor basket in the room for easy retrieval when needed.
There will never be a shortage of throw blankets at the Henkler Hacienda. :-) I like to mix and match them. I like using them better than throw pillows since they don’t get in the way as much as pillows do.
I buy most of them at places like HomeGoods and Walmart.

I have even made a few. One I made was a summer weight throw that I made with a remnant of fabric. Summer throws are needed when the AC starts to feel too chilly especially when you are relaxing reading or watching a movie on TV. Kitty cats love to curl up on them no matter what season they are for.

This throw blanket I semi-made. I bought a plain-edged fuchsia fur throw then added my own style to in the way of large pom poms. I called it my Mondo Pom Pom Throw.
It is heavier, perfect for snuggling under on a crisp fall day as well as in the winter to cozy up with by the fire.

I like to place a throw blanket in each bedroom. This was the guest room in my previous house…

… I recreated it in the lake house…complete with a throw over the footboard of the bed. They come in handy when you or a guest wants to get comfy and take a nap, but not have to pull down the bedding.

For maximum comfy-cozy factor, I found I like the fur throws. This one was my favorite, until…

… I bought this faux fur throw blanket. It is the one my family fights over to use when watching TV or reading. It’s soft, warm and weighted just right. It will be hard to find one better than this.
Do you collect throw blankets? Do you neatly fold your throw blankets over the back of a chair or its arm or do you casually throw it over so it drapes in soft folds?