Quick Entertaining Ideas: Are You Party Ready?
With the warm weather season upon us, do you have the necessary stuff to throw an outdoor party or casual get together for a small group in 30 minutes?
Would you have to run to the grocery store? Would you be stressed?
If you answered… no, yes, and yes to these questions – then you need some quick entertaining ideas. It is time you set up a party basket or cabinet. It is the answer to stress-free impromptu entertaining.
I learned about this magical basket or cabinet from a southern friend of mine who had to impromptu entertain frequently because of her husband’s job. Over the years I picked up a few other tips from observing my friends and family entertain effortlessly, but in style. I have included them here.
Quick Entertaining Ideas
Once you have a party basket set up you will be stress free when your husband calls you from the 18th hole and tells you he is bringing the guys over to grill some steaks and have a few beers – Oh, and is it ok if they all call their wives and have them come over too?
If it is just for some munchies and drinks and no one will be staying for dinner then you can answer your husband with – “Great see ya in 30 minutes.”
If they have a meal in mind, as in… steaks or hot dogs, then I say, “Great – on your way home pick up some steaks/hot dogs and rolls along with some corn on the cob. See ya in 30 minutes. Love ya”.
If the wives are coming – you know they will probably call you to ask it they can bring anything. This is not the time to be polite and say no, tell them exactly what you need. Impromptu entertaining is also when your college roommate calls you from the road and tells you she and her family are in the area and are going to stop by.
Once you know what is coming your way you can spring into action instead of panic mode because all you have to do is reach into your party basket/cabinet and pull out all the makings for one great get together in less than 30 minutes.
The nice thing about outdoor entertaining is – it is outside – your house doesn’t have to be spotless. Just a quick swish of the toilet brush and a quick “pick up and stash” and your house is clean enough.
Spray some of your favorite fragrance in the air and you are good to go. If it is an evening get together, dim the lights in your house and set up some candles. Candlelight hides a multitude of sins so you don’t have to worry about cleaning at all. I have made many outdoor lighting projects that you can make in advance so they are ready to go. The Tuna Can Lantern is one of my most popular projects.
What I Stock In My Summer Party Basket
To make an impromptu summer soiree special or any party for that matter more enjoyable – planning ahead will make all the difference. You have time to think about how you would like to entertain, what music, food, dishes, etc. you would like to use. Look in your inspiration files and make it happen. I like using wicker baskets and white items – it keeps everything looking summery, but not theme oriented.
My Party Checklist: I have a laminated copy so I know I won’t forget anything.
Download the check list – here.
Citronella Candles – As soon as you know people are coming over, place the candles around the perimeter of your patio or outdoor space before your guests arrive so the scent starts to fill the air and the bugs stay away.
Tea Lights or Pillar Candles in cleaned out pickle jars. Simple, yet effective mood lighting. I like the big tea lights they sell at IKEA to place inside the jars. When the wax is gone you just remove the metal tin.
Inexpensive Utensils from Walmart. Metal utensils look nicer than plastic and if one piece gets accidentally thrown out it is no big deal. You can reuse them over and over again making it a “good for the environment” choice. Plus, you will never have your guests ask “Do you save the plastic or should I throw it out?”
Colorful Paper Napkins – both dinner and cocktail size and a pretty rock to place on top so they don’t blow away.
Tablecloth – Optional if your outdoor table isn’t pretty then have a tablecloth in your basket, otherwise it is not needed and is just something you have to clean afterwards.
Vase – If you have flowers growing in your garden – great –cut a few stems and place them in a vase on your table. If no flowers to cut – don’t worry – no one will really notice as they came to talk, mingle, or eat – not to marvel at a centerpiece.
Sturdy Paper Plates like Chinet brand or Styrofoam. They look nice and won’t flop over when you place a steak or a hot dog on them. I like the Chinet brand better as some people get the chills when you touch a utensil to the Styrofoam ones when they are eating. Yes, I know for a fact that this is true.
Big Wicker Basket – I mean big, like the kind you see tall plants placed in that fill the corner of rooms in decorating magazines. You can find them at places like HomeGoods.
Line it with a 30 gallon trash can liner for a stylish trash can. If you can round up 2 then have one for trash and another for recycling. Make signs on your computer that say – Trash and Recycling. I have a few free printable labels for you to download at the end of this post.
Cooler and Labels for a cooler that say – Beer, Wine, Water, Soda. I make them up on my computer. When you have them already made in a stylish font it will only take minutes to attach whichever ones you need to the top of the cooler or coolers – making your 30 minute set up look like it took hours.
Tap the links below to download the free printables:
Trash/Recycle Beer/Wine Soda/WaterMake a Party Playlist on your iTunes or make a party CD and have the CD player/iPod or phone with bluetooth speakers readily accessible so that it can be placed outside. I like a mix of music from Frank Sinatra to Lady Gaga and lots in between so everybody hears something they like and it will make them feel good – enjoying the party even more.
A Pretty Tray for condiments. No need to pour each condiment into little bowls that you only have to clean up later. When the bottles are all grouped together on a pretty tray they look nicer and not an afterthought.
Frozen Hor d’oeuvres and food – Keep a few frozen appetizers and side dishes in your freezer that you can throw in the oven until the guys or your friends get home to grill the steaks. Costco and Sam’s Club are great for finding impromptu party food at a good price.
Hanover brand makes a delicious veggie pasta mix with black beans that goes great with steak and corn on the cob. I have big white serving bowls and platters in my kitchen cabinet that I use to serve the food so it looks like I cooked it from scratch.
Munchies – Have some snack food in your pantry that won’t go bad and that can simply be poured into a pretty bowl or basket. Make sure your kids do not to touch them. These are my go to staples: a can of mixed nuts, tortilla chips, salsa.
I place them in napkin or paper doily lined baskets. You can find paper doilies at the dollar store. I put the salsa in white ramekins.
Misc. Items – Outdoor extension cord to plug in music source, extra white candles, and matches so if one burns out you have back-up.
Add anything you like to your party basket that makes a party a party to you.
The next time your husband or friend calls and says they are 30 minutes away, you’ll be confident to know that you will be party ready.
Do You Have Teenagers Living in Your House?
When your teenager asks if they can have their friends over to roast marshmallows and hang out, having your party basket ready lets you easily tell them YES.
Deciding what food to serve is as easy as opening your refrigerator door and pouring every leftover into a serving bowl and placing them on the table. Leftover Rice a Roni looks like gourmet food to them.
Be prepared to hear compliments like – “Wow, Mrs. (your last name here), you didn’t have to go to all this trouble for us.” or “We love coming here.” or “My mom would never do all this.”
You can just smile and say “thanks” never letting them know the secret of a party basket.
How do you prepare for impromptu entertaining? Do you just wing it, say no when the call comes, or do you have an action plan, too?
Want more quick entertaining ideas – all festive and fun?
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