After Christmas Winter Decorating Ideas

How to transition from Christmas to winter decor. I have a few comfy, cozy and doable winter decorating ideas for your mantel, living room, kitchen and more.

Now that the holidays are over and we have officially been in the season of winter for a little over 2 weeks, how do you transition from Christmas to winter decor?

Our rooms may look a little barren after the tree comes down and the holiday decorations go back into storage until next year.

With the coldest two months of the year still ahead of us, uur need for the ultimate in the “comfy-cozy factor” goes up a few notches.

A few little changes in all the right places can make a big difference in how you and your home feel right now.

Make room for what matters by refreshing your spaces with cozy layers, tranquil touches, warm textures mixed with intentional objects. These will help you get through chilly January and February in warm and comfy-cozy style.

Winter Decorating Ideas

When transitioning from Christmas to winter decor, start small by simply rearranging your decorative accessories in new ways.

Here are few ideas to get you started. Resource links for where I bought a few of the items I used is at the end of the post.

Easy to Build DIY Fireplace Mantel Shelf hung on brick wall.

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Choose an Accent Color

This time of year I always like to see the fresh color scheme of green and white in my living room. I have used this color scheme in previous years using my collection of white pitchers and greenery from my yard.

When you add one color around the room in the way of a pillow, vase, throw or even a painted small accent piece of furniture, it will make the room look refreshed. The accent color will tie the accessories together giving the room a styled look in an easy to do way.

January decorating ideas for living rooms. Rustic and cozy corner.
  • Go in search for items to use. Head to your china closet, basement or other rooms in your house to find items to use that are behind closed doors and missing out on adding decorative style to your home. Consider every item. Group or layer them to come up with new arrangements.
Fireplace decorated for the winter months.

For my winter fireplace mantel, I gathered two of my white planters and filled them with greenery – it’s fake from Hobby Lobby. :-)

Previously, the smaller of the two planters was on a sideboard in my living room and the larger one on my coffee table.

After Christmas Winter decorating ideas for mantels. White planters and greenery on stone and white fireplace.

Putting them together on the mantel creates a whole new look for them as well as my mantel.

Winter Decorating on a mantel with Candles

Along the mantel I also mixed in a new collection of woven baskets.

Inside each basket is a cardboard spool that ribbon comes on. They act as hidden lifts so the candles I added to each basket look taller. On the mantel, no one will see these spools, except if they are 8 feet tall. :-)

  • Experiment with adding height to items you like that may seem too small by themselves to be displayed along a mantel. Use ribbon spools, boxes, or books to add height to items.
Decorating ideas using family photos on a mantel.

Add Things You Love

For areas in full view – like a mantel. Make family photos the focus or a collection that you love but is not out in the open. Bring these items out to be seen.

Displaying family photos on a mantel

I only get to see granddaughter every few months so I intentionally added these two photos of her in a set of large frames I had where I could see her on a daily basis.

  • I printed out photos from my phone to my computer. I used printer paper made for photos. It comes in glossy or matte.
Winter Decorating Ideas for tables. Rocks in bowls with a candle.

Display a Collection

Winter decorating ideas using the color greenery

If you have a collection of similar items, take them out from storage and display in a decorative way on a mantel or table. For a collection of vases, snip a few evergreen branches from your yard or use faux greenery to fill the pitchers.

Or use two clear glass vases to easily assemble a glass candle vase with greenery that will add a warm glow to a space.

Place Items With Texture Around the House

Find pinecones or rocks outside and fill a bowl with them. Leave just like that or add a candle to the center of the bowl.

If you don’t have any rocks outside in your home’s landscaping, you can buy a small bag at home improvement stores in the gardening section.

  • Add thick and furry pillows and throws to seating to cuddle with.
  • Place a basket or two on the floor to hold the throws when not in use.
  • Add candles throughout your rooms. There’s no better time than chilly nights to enjoy the warmth of candle glow in a room. I have become a big fan of the battery-operated flicker candles, but still have a few real candles in my living room.
After Christmas decorating ideas for the kitchen. White kitchen with greenery and white plates and dishes on a counter.

Add a Small Lamp to Your Kitchen

Adding the small lamp to my kitchen counter has changed the way my entire kitchen and living room look at night. I experimented with a larger lamp I had to see if I would like the look and I did. I bought a new smaller lamp that fits better. I love the soft glow of the 40 watt bulb that a few readers told me to place in it.

I wish I had added it years ago. If you don’t have a small lamp on your kitchen counter already – winter is the perfect time to add one.

Round dining table set for a Christmas dinner using white plates and olive green napkins

Set Your Dinner Table

Since we are not getting out to restaurants and friends homes to enjoy food as much. I know I miss doing this.

Make an effort to make your dinner something special. Use pretty napkins, light candles and prepare new recipes. Good food simmering on the stove or baking in the oven is one of the best ways I know to make your home feel wonderfully warm and cozy.

How do you decorate your home for winter?

Winter Decorating Resources:

Other Winter Decorating Posts You May Enjoy:

Home Decorating Ideas for Winter After Christmas. Text overlay says comfy cozy Winter decorating ideas

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I love your blog! It is so inspiring and yet simple.
    Thanks so much!Connie

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Connie :-). If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in a comment.

  2. sandra Adams says:

    Fabulous posts. This my year to change things up. Thanks!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Sandra – Enjoy the process of making your winter decor look and feel great when the festivities of the holidays are over.

  3. Enjoyed the pictures of Zoe. She is a little doll. You do such a great job placing your every day items in such artful arrangements. Everything always looks so fresh and creative.

  4. Oh Diane, the grandbaby photos are precious! I love how you’ve made your home cozy and personal. The fresh pop of color in the green really brings a nice touch to the mix. Wishing you and Ed a healthy and prosperous 2021!

  5. Jan Neilson says:

    My after Christmas decorating includes displaying a collection of items in my bay window that reminds me of trips my husband and I have taken. We have travelled extensively around the world but since we can’t go now because of covid, these items bring back great memories at least.

  6. Cindy Steen says:

    Hello, I had never considered a kitchen counter lamp because the space is very small. After 34 years of living in our house, I decided to try your idea of the small lamp & my husband likes it too! Thank you, Diane, love your suggestions, design & writings!

  7. Thanks for all the good ideas ! I will be saving them to use in a couple of months! When I lived in western Oregon they would have been perfect to use now. Soon the white narcissis or “paper whites” will start to bloom over there and would compliment the green & white nicely. For me however,here in the high desert, we will have several more months of very cold weather before the “spring” greens seem appropriate. So after all the Christmas is put away, the snowmen, or snow ‘people’ come out! Many are cheaply crafted, some repurposed, some finely crafted and some quite primitive. They sit on sleds, toboggans, evergreens, or even with candles all over the house! I add hearts for them to hold during February, or heart garlands. They help me get through the cold months until March when your green and white scheme will be perfect (especially to add to when St. Patrick’s Day rolls around) ! Our spring doesn’t arrive until May or June! What do your other readers from cold country do to decorate for winter?

    1. I live in Maine. I too put out snowmen during the winter months.

  8. Love your greens and white… feels fresh and with the fur throws/pillows really cozy!!
    Still want to try a small lamp in the kitchen.
    I’m sure I can find the right size one soon!!

  9. Sylvia Robinson says:

    You are my FAVORITE blog!! Keep the ideas going. I love that you use simple but beautiful decorating ideas with items that are attainable for most people.
    thank you.

  10. Love your mantel and groupings. The balance, colors and shapes are harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Thanks for the inspiration .
    Your precious granddaughter is adorable!

  11. I was just struggling with this myself last week. What to do now that the Christmas decor is gone, but my favorite spring/summer decor is waaaay too early. Thanks for your tips! I’ve started lighting a candle in the evenings at the prompting of some of your recent posts and got some electric candles from Santa. It DOES feel nice to see the soft light when it gets dark so early! Thanks for all the “everyday” tips and tricks you share with us. The big makeovers are fun to see, but I like “little” things like this too that I can try out in my home this week.