My 4th of July Decorations
I am starting the July 4th weekend today and before I sign off for the weekend, I thought I would share some red, white, and blue 4th of July decorations with you to wish you a happy 4th.

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Family is coming and I have lots to prepare.
Instead of flying our usual American flag this year
I had to change things up a bit. The bushes on either side of the door have gotten too tall and the flag gets stuck and doesn’t blow freely. So to take its place, I put Styrofoam in a flat basket that I bought at JoAnn Fabrics last year and wedged 3 smaller flags into the foam.
To hang it I used one of the tricks I used when I worked in retail display. I used clear fishing line to attach it to the door. It is wrapped around the door knocker. If you look closely you can see it. From the street it is invisible.

I will be bringing out this summery cake plate I made last year. It costs $1.25 to make. Dollar Store Cake Stand.

To keep backyard entertaining easy – I tied plastic utensils and napkins to paper plates. Makes it easy for guests in a buffet line to get everything they need to eat at once.

And last but not least – I shared how I put together a party fast along with some…
…ready made labels for your party coolers and trash cans this summer. You can download them in this post: Quick Entertaining Ideas – Are You Party Ready?